Getting Started
Debian-Based Systems
Getting started on Debian-based systems is straightforward with the interactive install script. Run the following command to begin the installation process:
Please read the script here before running it locally. For other platforms see the release page for binaries that can be installed and configured.
Other Linux Distros
Dugong is a single binary which means installation on other linux distros can be done through manual binary installation or systemd service setup.
1. Download the Latest Release
First, download the latest release from the releases page or use the command below to automatically fetch it:
2. Make the Binary Executable
Once downloaded, make the binary executable and move it to your desired location:
3. Create the Configuration Directory
Next, create the configuration directory that will store configuration files and data:
4. Create Environment Configuration
Create an environment file to store configuration settings:
Example ~/.config/dugong/config.env
5. Create a Systemd Service
Create the systemd service file:
Systemd service configuration:
6. Manage the Service
Reload systemd to apply changes, enable the service to start on boot, and manage its status:
1. Download the Latest Release
First, download the latest release from the releases page or use the command below to automatically fetch it:
2. Make the Binary Executable
Once downloaded, make the binary executable and move it to your desired location:
3. Create the Configuration Directory
Next, create the configuration directory that will store configuration files and data:
4. Create a Shell Script to Manage the Environment
Create a script named to manage the environment variables and start Dugong:
Add the following contents to
5. Make the Script Executable
Set the script as executable and run it: